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Create Text Fields in CorelDraw

There are two kinds of text fields in CorelDraw:

  • Artistic text (must be used for Crawl pages).
  • Paragraph Text (recommended for use with data services or Audience.billboard).

Create Artistic Text

1.Click on the Text Tool icon (or press F8).

2.Place the cursor where you want the text to begin, and type your text.

3.Select the Pick Took and change the font, font size, or font attributes.

4.To reposition the text, select the text field, and move it (make sure the Pick Tool is still enabled).

5.Optional: Tag the text field. In Object Manager, right click on the corresponding Artistic Text field and rename it. The name you give is what appears as the field title in's Page Details. See Tag Fields in CorelDraw for details.

Create Paragraph Text

1.Click on the Text Tool , and create a Text Box by dragging the cursor until the box is the desired size.

2.Type your text, select the Pick Tool and then change the font, font size, or font attributes.

3.To reposition the text, select the text box and move it (make sure the Pick Tool is enabled).

4.Optional: Tag the text field. In Object Manager, right click on the corresponding Text field and rename it. The name you give is what appears as the field title in Audience Page Details.

5.If you want the field accessible to data services or Audience.billboard, you must open the template in's Page Details and edit the text field so that it begins with a $ and includes a one word alphanumeric title (e.g., $ItemforSale, or $TelNumber). See Templates for Data Services and Templates for use with Audience.billboard for details.